Vicki Richardson

As Chief Administrative Officer & Executive Assistant to Vinnie Johnson, Vicki Richardson ensures the day-to-day operations of the Piston Group family of companies run smoothly.

Vicki has over 30 years of administrative experience in multiple industries, including the Federal Government, biotech, information technology, and automotive & manufacturing.

In her current role, Vicki works closely with the Chairman to manage both his business and personal schedules. Additionally, Vicki is responsible for the coordination of corporate sponsorships, planning and execution of large corporate events, coordination of travel logistics, and working closely with Administrative Professionals in all business units to facilitate commonality in process, communication, and sharing of best practices. Vicki also works directly with the Piston Group Board of Directors and the Presidents to organize quarterly and special Board meetings.

In 2009, Vicki was instrumental in coordinating the establishment of the Vinnie Johnson Foundation, which was created to provide educational and cultural opportunities for the children of Detroit and the surrounding areas. She is solely responsible for the Foundation’s annual major fundraiser, a golf invitational, that generates an average of $200,000 in contributions to the charity every year. Vicki works closely with the Chairman to distribute the funds to numerous organizations within the local Detroit communities. She has been a member of the Foundation’s Board since its inception.

Bio Portrait


Biography (PDF)


About Us

We weren’t just founded to make things. We were founded with a vision to make things better. And that begins by leading with energy.